Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"there's gonna be a wedding...'s the reason that i'm living. to marry the Lamb." -tim reimherr

Hi Mom and Granny! :) haha Probably the only people who ever peek at this. Sorry it's been a's what's been on my heart. I felt like it was worth sharing.

God is so so incredibly good. I am learning more and more about His character everyday.
He is my Provider. Father. Lover. Friend. Comforter. Joy. Peace.

He is everything I could ever want or need. I am finding how to be fully and completely satisfied with merely His presence. I am learning what it means to be a follower of Jesus. How every decision in my life should be lifted up to Him first. Everything Jesus said and did was what His Father said or did.

I am finally understanding what it means to be a child of God as well as the bride of Christ. The reason I am living, breathing, and moving is to bring glory to His name and His Kingdom. To bring heaven here on earth. To share it with other people. I am learning how to live radically for Christ because that's the only thing worth living for.

He is jealous for me. He is jealous for you. Yes. Jealous. Overwhelmingly longing and desiring all of your devotion and affection. It's one thing to say it and another to live it out. Slowly but surely, I am beginning to understand the fullness of His glory, grace, mercy, and love for us. It's mind blowing actually. No matter how much we mess up He always takes us back. With loving, open arms and a smile.

Though we may go through trials or difficult times, God remains the same. He is always faithful and always good. He teaches us how to lean on Him. How to find our purpose and meaning in Him. I'm amazed and astounded. And so grateful that He loves me so much. My life should be a response of love to all that He has given me even when I'm far from deserving it.

So go in peace knowing that God of all creation is sovereign. He sees us in our weakness. He cares about every detail of our lives. That even when we don't understand, His plan is ultimately the best plan for us. Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

"oh happy day...

...happy day! You washed my sin away!" -tim hughes

So here are a few snippets of my day to day life:
-walk past bryan clay.
-hold a 3 week old baby.
-eat half a cold baked potato for breakfast.
-hike a mountain at 8pm. wear a headlamp. pray for revival over our campus and city on that mountain. freeze in shorts. meet a kid named Bobby on that hill while praying. find out later he is a child actor and is in movies such as The Last Song. you know, no big deal.
-fall in love with garbanzo beans again.
-watch Finger of God and have my mind blown. you'll see, and this is only part 1:

granted these kinds of things don't all happen at once or even in one day. but they do in fact happen. and all of these happened within the past week. some may see life as boring and monotonous, but really you just have to find enjoyment in the little mundane things which happen every single day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

...a beautiful day in the neighborhood." -mr. rogers

Wow it's gorgeous today! This weather has been so strange. Though there is a special place in my heart for rain and clouds, the sun today just really brightened everything.
Since withdrawing from my global biblical interpretation class(which was great but causing unnecessary stress) I have been much more relieved. I feel more free to spend time with God and people.

Some quirky things happened in the past few days.
Saturday, I went to a 2 year old's bubble themes birthday party. A hired bubble lady put on a captivating bubble show and had children actually standing in giant bubbles. Crazy cool.

Sunday, I went to church and was chosen by the pastor to go to the front. Three other people and I practiced hearing God's voice and the encouragement of prophecy right there in front of the entire congregation. We were all to pray for this one lady none of us knew and gave her the words and images given to us by God. What we received for this woman was cohesive and relevant. Awesome. Only thing was, the pastor called me Rachel. haha
I got a call from him later that day apologizing. So sweet.

Sunday afternoon, Rachel(my roommate) and I were interviewed for an article in the school newspaper because we are participating in the Daniel Fast. 21 days, no sweets, no meats. Only veggies, fruit, whole grains, prayer, and the Holy Spirit.

Sunday evening, dressed in matching Christmas footy pajama onesie with my roommate we found in the kids section at target for a halloween get together. Then went to a meeting in our pj's. Then slept in my onesie.

Monday, I enjoyed some time in the library. Every now and then I like to go to the children's section and sit on the floor of the library and pick out a book, such as The Adventures of Curious George and flip through the pages. I was able to catch the veeeery end of the Giants winning the WORLD SERIES!!! Wow! It was such a fun moment! I got to spend it with my sister in the lobby of the freshmen boy dorm surrounded by silly SF fans. It was quite fun!
Then I spent some of my evening doing homework in the lobby of the girls dorm(muuuch quiter and not so smelly). Where there was a vending machine that suddenly sounded like an airplane about to takeoff.

So here I am reveling in the heartwarming mash up of moments in my last semester of college life. Attempting to mentally prepare for the blank calendar ahead of me. Although there isn't much yet, I know that goodness is in store.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"another hum drum gray day...

...maybe i'll head out for a movie." -greg laswell

I had a nice walk to racquetball this morning. I got to chat with God. And then in class I entertained everyone with my stunning coordination and graceful limbs. I was attempting to get out of the way of the ball. But I didn't judge it very well...the ball came towards me. And then started to drop. So I thought I could just hop over it. The problem was, I was quite close to the wall and didn't have anywhere to land. What happened in the end was, the bouncy blue ball hits me while I'm in the air, I hit the wall, and fall to the floor in embarrassment, hysteria at the ridiculousness of what I had just chosen to do, and because I had no choice. All this to say I'm sure I brightened at least one person's morning. :)

And a random observation. I wear a ring that says "FAITH." Somehow the filling in the letter "I" is now I wear a "FATH" ring. haha

Friday, October 15, 2010

"it's falling from the clouds...

...a strange and lovely sound." -Phil Wickham

Wow. I have been a busy little bee as of late.
This will be the another weekend that I will be away from home because of a retreat or conference. I must say they have all been pretty awesome. Idea Camp in Las Vegas, Encounter in San Diego, and next a retreat with the leaders of Mexico Outreach. Hopefully we'll get to bond with some other people seeking to spread God's love!
God is really moving on our campus and is beginning a revival! Last weekend a handful of people I know went down to San Diego with me and we were able to worship and be fed by others seeking after the Father. Boy, did the Holy Spirit show up! Worship was great and people were receiving spiritual gifts and encountering God's presence.
But before we left there was a little hiccup...we were supposed to leave around 2:45pm so Rachel and I were going to pick up people around 2:30. But one of the girls called saying her car broke down and she needed to move it from the spot it was in because she would be gone for the weekend. So we go to find her. She's obviously stressed and upset. Campus safety comes and tries to jump it. It does not work. They suggest getting it towed. No thank you. They cannot help push it anywhere. I call Brian. He leaves class to come help. She had parked the wrong way in the slanted spaces but it ended up being perfect. She put it in neutral and steered. Rachel directed traffic. Brian and I pushed. hahahaha It was so fun! And was much easier than I had anticipated. Then we left for the weekend.
When we came back, her car was safely in the spot where we had left it. We went over, laid hands on it, prayed for it, and then it started. VROOM. Thanks God! Basically, we resurrected a car in the name of Jesus Christ. lol And experienced spiritual warfare through that small circumstance. But God remains the same in this corrupt and chaotic world.
I'm excited to learn from whatever He has in store for this coming weekend!

Also, my roommates and I had heard a story about a pet store in the area. Apparently several years back a few parakeets got loose and have been roaming free. I was unsure if this story was a comical local legend or a true story. Until today. As I was biking home from campus, in a tree right on my street I heard lots of birds. Then, when I was right underneath the tree I see two clearly green birds swoop and gawk. It's true! There are flocks of green parakeets flying around my neighborhood! hahaha Awesome.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"No sky contains, no doubt restrains...

...all you are, the greatness of our God." -Hillsong

Let me just start with saying God is frickin' amazing...and I never say "frickin'!"

At the beginning of the week I was able to attend a conference in Las Vegas, NV all on the topic of sex. Idea Camp: IC // SEX where people from all different walks of life come together to share with each other experiences they've had and organizations they are involved in regarding a wide variety of sex topics. Some were about pornography, homosexuality, others the addiction and affects on the brain, and of course one of the main reasons I decided it was worth missing 3 days of class for, sex trafficking domestically and internationally.

It is my last semester of college! Bow chicka wow wow! And I am in a senior seminar class. I decided my topic would be human trafficking. I got this opportunity to go to Idea Camp through my internship, bought a Grey Hound bus ticket, got dropped off at the station, and several hours later, arrived in Vegas where someone picked me up at midnight.

It was awesome being in a room full of people so passionate about this umbrella topic, yet all there with the common denominator...Jesus Christ.

I want to design a campaign bringing awareness to sex trafficking and it's staggering numbers through the venue of a large sporting event. My initial thought was to set it at a World Cup and find statistics in the country I would have chosen as well as find past information from actual events. I am slowly beginning to wonder though if I should move from a global, international approach to a domestic, much more real and tangible perspective. I could set this at the super bowl and get stats of the sex industry in the United States. I haven't quite decided yet though.

Then, Thursday I led life group with my roommate Rachel in our home. We had 5 girls not including us and had some great conversations about God's love and how we need to live like daughters of the Father. Our group is called 215 because 1) that is our house number and 2) 2 Corninthians 2:15 says "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."

We hosted a worship night at our school on Friday night called A.Waken To Love. This is where God just blew my mind, along with probably a hundred others. The presence of God was so real. There was freedom in the place where people felt a true sense of God and worshipped Him unashamed. An open mic time allowed our fellow peers to share how God has been working in their lives and how they've been experiencing God's love. Basically, people got up and preached. It was incredible. And I was so proud of my sister who sang on the worship team and amazed people with her awesome voice. :)

All that to say, God is good in every season. He is always there, we just need to be willing to host His presence.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"convince me...

...because i really need Your help." -relient k

Hectic couple weeks have begun!

Projects due for: Web Design, Graphic Design III, History of Graphic Design

The strap on my favorite flip flops my little sister bought me for my birthday mysteriously broke.

I will need to be in this exact same building in less than 7 hours.